About Lina

The thought of describing myself in a bio gives me anxiety that's rivaled by little else. In a brief, I'm Lina Ebeid a full-stack web developer, My Journey at web development began at the year of 2020. I believe that hard-working and good planning always leads to good results.So After 7 months form hard-working. I've made this portfolio to present some of the projects I worked on.

Web development skills

Front-end Development

  • React
  • Gatsby
  • NextJS
  • FullCalenadar
  • antd

Back-end Development

  • NodeJS
  • Express
  • Postgres
  • MongoDB

What else ?

Before 2019 I was an environmental engineer, who has a great passion for environmental issues. After that, I faced a very hard time while struggling between my passion and the reality that my future as an environmental engineer is unclear and hazy. So in March 2019, I made my decision and I decided to start learning programming. I started my journey as a self-learner then I joined code academy at Gaza sky geeks.
ALSO I have intrests in Sociology and History,At my free time I watch movies and SOUNDCLOUD is the best companion